Wood element
We might view the start of Spring around March or April, when the weather starts warming up. In the Chinese calendar, Spring starts earlier, sometime in February when the bulbs come up and new buds start to appear. Spring is associated with Wood, which is the element of the Liver and Gall Bladder. Whereas in […]
Take a breath
Breathing more deeply is the number one thing that will help most people with their health and wellbeing. So why when you come for a treatment with me do I not ask you to breathe more deeply during a session? Because when we are told to deepen our breathing, the first thing we do is […]
Introduction to the Five Elements
The Five Element theory or system was mapped out between 2,000 – 5,000 years ago by Chinese Physicians. In this system, everything in the Universe is grouped into five elements or seasons, Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal. These physicians proposed that all people, their behaviour, emotions and health, are influenced by these elements and […]

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