Meet Fliss

It was several years ago when, as part of the 'sandwich generation' - caring for elderly parents with teenagers at home - I started to have regular reflexology and massage. This gave me the support I needed, and through my menopausal years they have been a life-saver.

I lived in inner cities for much of my life but spent the last few years there longing to get out. I settled in Shrewsbury with my husband and cat (always hopeful of adding a dog to the Gaskin brood at some point), with my two adult children visiting regularly.

My previous work experience is hugely diverse, from working at an inner-city drugs project, to university administration, to music management. My whole life informs my work and gives me a breadth of experience that helps me to relate to my brilliant clients.

I am passionate about the environment and therefore use only natural products in my practice, mostly from Neal's Yard Organic. I have also signed up to the Association of Reflexologists Eco Friendly Therapist scheme.

I participate in a regular supervision group and keep my skills updated with CPD courses.

Qualifications and Training

Diploma in Holistic Massage, Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology (Level 4), BCMB

Certificate in Indian Head Massage (Level 3), BCMB

Five Element Reflexology Certificate (Level 5), Bath Complementary Therapy College

Diploma in Aromatherapy, Holistic Therapies Training

Diploma in Stone Therapy Massage, Holistic Therapies Training

Diploma in Reflexology (Level 3), Devon School of Reflexology

Certificate in Facial Acupressure Massage, Bath Complementary Therapy College

Reiki 1, Graham Smith Reiki Master

AromaReflex, Bath Complementary Therapy College

In addition I have had further training in:

Shiatsu for Massage Practitioners

Massage for Women’s Health

Meridian Massage

Deep Massage - The Lauterstein Method

Deep Massage - The Lateral Line

Mindfulness & Massage

Hands Free Massage

I am a full member of the Association of Reflexologists (AoR)

I am insured by Alan Boswell Insurance.


I am committed to being as environmentally sustainable and eco-conscious at work as possible. I have signed up to the AoR Eco Friendly Therapist badge, which means that I pledge to fulfil the following guidelines wherever practicable within my therapy practice:

1. Minimise unnecessary purchasing in my practice – I use up existing things before buying new ones, and reuse items where appropriate and safe to do so

2. Use paper only where necessary, and to choose paper that is recycled/carbon balanced/ FSC or PEFC certified

3. Ensure that any products I use are produced in an environmentally sustainable way, eg low volume organic production runs

4. Ensure that any chemicals used in my practice are not harmful to the environment

5. Consider the carbon footprint of items and products used in my practice

6. Minimise the waste generated by my practice and make sure any waste generated is recyclable or compostable

7. Minimise the impact of my travel on the environment

In addition, the energy used in my practice is provided by our solar panels, air-source heat pump, and 100% renewable electricity from the grid.

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