Take a breath

Breathing more deeply is the number one thing that will help most people with their health and wellbeing. So why when you come for a treatment with me do I not ask you to breathe more deeply during a session? Because when we are told to deepen our breathing, the first thing we do is take a big, forced in-breath. Then we lose touch with our natural breathing rhythm and we can experience constriction or tightness in the chest. We also tend to lift our shoulders with a big in-breath, creating more tension in an area often already full of tension.

Instead, I may ask you to concentrate on your out-breaths, gradually extending them with each breathing cycle. I will ask you to just let the breath come in. What do I mean by that? There is a world of difference between forcing the breath and naturally allowing it to deepen with softness and intention.

So when I talk about breathing exercises, and I do with many of my clients, this is what I mean, at least to start with. We know that breathing well has been found to reduce stress and anxiety, improve digestion and sleep and even reduce inflammation in the body. If you can take five minutes, even just a couple of times a day, to sit in peace and allow the breath to deepen, you will certainly experience more benefits than you can imagine.

I usually incorporate some breath work in my treatments, particularly my massage sessions. If you feel you could benefit from some time out to take a breath, contact me and I can book you for a relaxing treatment.

©2023 Felicity Gaskin

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